
How to talk to Your Doctor about the Lifestyle Introduction.

Dr. Stoehr introduces key concepts on how to talk to your OB/GYN, and or your primary care provider about the lifestyle. She will tell you how to talk your doctor, when to talk to your doctor, and what sexual information is most important for him or her. Plus many more details are covered in the members portion on Swinging Safe. Watch this video, then head over to the members area to sign up to watch more videos on "How to talk to your Doctor." The members area will have new content added soon.

STD Testing for the Lifestyle Introduction

Dr. Stoehr dips into the conversation of STD testing. There are many different tests and each different doctor orders different STD panel. As a member of the lifestyle, you will need to know which tests are important so you can ask your doctor for the tests you need for your sexual health. Additionally many more details are covered in the members portion on Swinging Safe. Watch this video, then check out members area to sign up for the members area where you can learn more about STD’s and other lifestyle topics. New content is added frequently for your safety.

Two + Equals Non Monogamy

Dr. Stoehr dips into the the world of Non-Monogamy in this video, introducing key terms and general ideas of being non-monogamous. How does it work? Who's into this? What do they do exactly? This is the first of a group of videos giving information into the hidden world of non-monogamy. Follow along for all sort of details!

Throuples and Fluid Bonding

Back into the Non Monogamy world with a few new terms. What is a throuple, really? And are you fluid bonding?

Nesting Partners and Metamours

What the heck is a nesting partner? Are we talking about birds, here? Nah, Dr. Stoehr is describing general relationship patterns in Non Monogamy, including how partners get along.


Dr. Stoehr attempts to explain squirting. Is it real? Where does all that fluid come from? And can anyone do this?

Cucks, Bulls and More

Dr. Stoehr giving more details into the relationships within non monogamy. You may think you know what a cuck is, but do you? And what the heck is a bull (we're not talking livestock here)?

What is an Orgasm

Dr. Stoehr explains the nebulous event we call the Big O. What exactly is happening, and why?

Going Rogue

Let's bring things round back, shall we? Dr. Stoehr explains the ins and outs of going rogue.

Going Rogue: The Back Door

Updates and answers to Questions from All About Anal. Dr. Stoehr gives explanations about ruining rectums and condom use with anal sex.

Velvet Vulva

Dr. Stoehr discusses Vulvar anatomy with Velvet.

What causes low desire?

Dr. Stoehr describes the 6 basic things that can affect desire in a vagina owner.

Treating Low Desire

Dr. Stoehr discusses general approaches to low libido and its treatment in the medical setting.

Asexuality, is it a problem

Dr. Stoehr explains the normality of low sexual desire across the spectrum.

Demi vs Ace

Demisexual, Asexual, and Low Libido. What's the difference, and why does it matter?

Kink vs. Fetish

Is it Kinky? Or do you really have a Fetish? Dr. Stoehr explains the difference.

Desire at Dusk

Dr. Stoehr details what effects menopause can have on the sexual desires of females. There are more than you think!

What do you do with an abnormal pap?

Dr. Stoehr describes abnormal pap smears and the follow up procedures to check for cervical cancer.

Bullets, Vibrators, Dongs, Oh My!

Ever curious what types of sex toys are out there? Dr. Stoehr explains the most common ones and their uses.

That Important Little Pill

How exactly do birth control pills work? Let Dr. Stoehr give you all the deets about your pills and how your Gyno may actually be a period fairy.

Ring of Fire: Burning with Penetration

Does it ever burn to have sex? And I don't mean in the fun kind of way, I mean actual burning with penetration... It's not as rare as you'd think. Dr. Stoehr details a few possible reasons this might be happening.


Curiosities about the female breast How to properly do an exam

Why do my ovaries hurt all the time?

Let Dr. Stoehr explain that nagging discomfort in your lower pelvis.'s not your ovaries!

What's up with diagnosing Menopause?

Why can't my GYN just do a lab and tell me if I'm menopausal? Dr. Stoehr explains the quirks of diagnosing menopause and why symptoms are more important that labs.